Thematic Review on Local Peacebuilding

What is ‘local peacebuilding’? What are the common approaches to local peacebuilding, and which factors enable the effectiveness of local-level peacebuilding efforts? How can the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) and other donors better support local peacebuilding initiatives? To answer these and other related questions, the PBF commissioned and recently published a Thematic Review on Local Peacebuilding, in partnership with PeaceNexus Foundation and UN Volunteers programme.

Following through on a commitment to empower youth to carry out field research and data analysis, five young and emerging researchers recruited as National UN Volunteers worked with a senior researcher/Team Leader to conduct field research in four case study locations – Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Kyrgyzstan, and the Western Balkans, with UN Volunteers based in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo (as per UN Security Council resolution 1244).