Ensuring the continuity of sexual and reproductive health services in Ethiopia

UN Volunteer Akiyo Nonogaki joined the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) in October 2020 as a Sexual and Reproductive Health Programme Officer. Her assignment was to support the response to COVID-19, but then the conflict in the Tigray region broke out. Akiyo reflects on how the unpredicted humanitarian crisis broadened her perspectives and strengthened her commitment to support the vulnerable. 

UNFPA has been active in Ethiopia since 1973 and is working with the government, UN entities and partners to improve sexual and reproductive health services, including family planning, emergency obstetric care and fistula treatment. The COVID-19 pandemic has placed significant pressure on health service delivery and compounded existing challenges in promoting gender equality and improving maternal health. 

UN Volunteers provide critical healthcare in times of crisis in Yemen

UN Volunteer health professionals have been providing much-needed critical healthcare for UN operations in Yemen in times of crisis. Since 2020, the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme has deployed 60 UN Volunteer doctors, nurses and other medical providers, almost all of whom are nationals, in UN Clinics administered by the UN Development Programme (UNDP) in seven locations in Yemen.

National UN Volunteers have been playing a key role in providing healthcare to over 6,000 UN staff and their eligible dependents. They carry out daily walk-in consultations, emergency care, inpatient care, follow up of cases and healthcare promotional activities, with proper guidance from international UN Volunteers and senior medical staff, as stipulated in the UN Clinic Standard Operating Procedures.