Protecting the rights of migrant and refugee children in Egypt

Kanako Sakae (Japan) served as a UN Volunteer Child Protection Specialist with the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) in Egypt from 2020 to 2021. Her UN Volunteer assignment was funded by the Human Resource Development Programme for Peacebuilding and Development.

Egypt hosted more than 250,000 registered refugees and asylum seekers in 2021. Most came from Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan and Syria, and about 38 per cent of these refugees were under the age of 18.

Commonly, refugees and asylum seekers live in rented apartments in urban centers in Egypt, making them vulnerable to fluctuating economic conditions and poverty. Many child protection issues exist in these circumstances, such as insecure accommodation, increased risk of detention, discrimination, physical and sexual violence and inaccessible essential healthcare. 

Youth volunteers inspire green transition in Djibouti

As the world grapples with pressing environmental challenges, young changemakers step up to take the lead on the green transition and reshape the narrative of our planet’s future. The journey of Fatouma Mohamed Barakat, Idmane Moussa Ali and Abdourahman Ali Ibrahim, UN Youth Volunteers serving with the UN Development Programme (UNDP) in Djibouti, exemplifies the critical role of youth in leading the way towards an environmentally-sustainable and climate-friendly world.

With the spirit of volunteering deeply rooted in her, Fatouma has always had the drive to empower young people. Her journey started in Geneva where she interned with the Permanent Mission of Djibouti to the United Nations and the World Trade Organization.

Armed with knowledge and experience, and having youth empowerment at heart, she returned to Djibouti to volunteer as Regional Coordinator and Youth Development Delegate with UNDP. Within her assignment, she has been implementing the Youth Leadership Programme (YLP) in her country since 2021.