Inaugural UNHCR Volunteer Service Award conferred on 14 UN Volunteers

The award comes as the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme celebrates its 50th anniversary and on the 2021 International Volunteer Day. Recipients of the Volunteer Service Awards are acknowledged for the impact of their volunteer efforts in the community; for the challenges they have overcome and for their inspiration to others. From over 130 nominations, the 14 winners across UNHCR’s seven regions are celebrated and acknowledged for going the extra mile in making an impact in their communities (video below).

Building bridges out of solidarity with underprivileged youth in Tunisia

Dalila Ksir is one of seven national UN Volunteers serving with the UN Development Programme in Tunisia as local coordinators of projects aimed at accelerating progress towards peace in Tunisia. In this story, we highlight how Dalila is fostering solidarity and reciprocity among citizens and strengthening trust, to maintain an enabling environment that is conductive to peace and development.

Dalila is assigned to Remada, one of Tunisia’s southernmost towns near the borders with Libya. To her, serving as the sole representative of the only UN entity working in this remote area has been both a challenge and a privilege.

Remada has long been left behind due to lacking development efforts. It witnesses recurrent protests denouncing the deteriorating economic situation and the limited access to opportunities, with unemployment rate reaching 33 per cent in 2020,  according to the Municipality of Remada.