Pioneer volunteer from 1971 celebrates UNV at 50

The year the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme was established, John Newby became the first UN Volunteer to serve in Chad. Hailing from the United Kingdom and Switzerland, John is now 72 years old. He still recalls how he joined the National Parks Directorate in Chad as a Wildlife Biologist from 1971-1974. As we celebrate UNV's 50th anniversary, he shares his reflection on his lifetime of experiences.

Fresh out of university, I was intrigued by a poster advertising for UN Volunteer assignments. I applied and was soon deployed to the National Parks Directorate in Chad from 1971-1974.

My UN Volunteer experience benefited me enormously, both personally and professionally. First and foremost, I met my Chadian wife, with whom I have four wonderful children, all born in Chad.