UN Volunteers at the forefront of gender-responsive peacebuilding

Data supports the existence of a significant nexus between gender mainstreaming, sustaining peace, and civic and volunteer engagement. This was the topic of discussion at a side event organized on 27 October 2016 by the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme, the Peacebuilding Support Office (PBSO) and the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women (UN Women) at the Permanent Mission of Germany to the UN in New York.

The most meaningful experience in my life

Being a UN Volunteer was one of the most meaningful experiences in my life so far, and, being in my eighties, I think that holds some weight. In the early 1990s, having raised a family, already at the end of a successful business career, and well settled into retirement, the unexpected excitement and humility of reaching out to truly touch peoples’ lives showed me that life can always bring the unexpected.

Being a UN Volunteer was one of the most meaningful experiences in my life so far, and, being in my eighties, I think that holds some weight. In the early 1990s, having raised a family, already at the end of a successful business career, and well settled into retirement, the unexpected excitement and humility of reaching out to truly touch peoples’ lives showed me that life can always bring the unexpected.

At a gathering with leaders from UNHCR and business associates, I had a conversation that led me to UNV.

Upcoming: Women, Peace and Volunteerism: Partnerships for Sustaining Peace

In commemoration of the 16th anniversary of Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (S/RES/1325) and the recent adoption of the identical Security Council and General Assembly Resolutions on Sustaining Peace (S/RES/2282 and A/RES/70/262), UN Volunteers working on gender-responsive peacebuilding will be presenting their good practices.

Data supports the existence of an important nexus between gender mainstreaming, sustaining peace, and civic and volunteer engagement, which this side event attempts to explore further.

Upcoming: Women, Peace and Volunteerism: Partnerships for Sustaining Peace

In commemoration of the 16th anniversary of Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (S/RES/1325) and the recent adoption of the identical Security Council and General Assembly Resolutions on Sustaining Peace (S/RES/2282 and A/RES/70/262), UN Volunteers working on gender-responsive peacebuilding will be presenting their good practices.

Data supports the existence of an important nexus between gender mainstreaming, sustaining peace, and civic and volunteer engagement, which this side event attempts to explore further.

UNV Youth Volunteering Strategy 2014-2017

Volunteerism has an important role to play in harnessing the potential of young people. It is an important means of supporting young people in their diversity, whilst fostering their inclusion in global peace and sustainable human development processes.

Engaging young people through volunteerism has to be a two-way street: young people should benefit from their volunteering experience as much their host community.  That is why, as you will read, this strategy emphasizes skills development, knowledge, and personal growth in our UN Youth Volunteers modality, while also compelling us to not only increase the quantity of volunteering opportunities available to young people globally, but also improve the quality of their volunteer experience.

Partners for youth: UNV success stories

The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme has been engaging young people in global peace and sustainable development for nearly 50 years. Recognizing that volunteerism has the potential to bring the energy, enthusiasm and creativity of young people to development processes while at the same time building their skills and experience, UNV has been working with partners around the world to advocate for youth volunteerism, support national and regional volunteering initiatives, and directly mobilize youth volunteers.

In 2014, UNV brought together all of its work on youth under the Global UN Youth Volunteers Programme.  The programme scales-up and replicates best practices, and supports new initiatives that best nurture the power and potential of youth while bringing their voices into global peace and development processes. Under the programme, regional UNV projects like Arab Youth Volunteering for a Better Future are already working to empower youth and strengthen their capacities as active participants in development of their countries. 

Partners for Sustainable Development through Volunteerism Discuss 2030

Bonn, Germany. On 13 and 14 October 2016, the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Programme will host its second Partnerships forum at the World Conference Center in Bonn. After the first Partnerships Forum held in 2014, the theme for this year’s Forum is 'Revitalizing Partnerships: Volunteerism for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)'.

Partners for Sustainable Development through Volunteerism Discuss 2030

Bonn, Germany. On 13 and 14 October 2016, the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Programme will host its second Partnerships forum at the World Conference Center in Bonn. After the first Partnerships Forum held in 2014, the theme for this year’s Forum is 'Revitalizing Partnerships: Volunteerism for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)'.

Partners for Sustainable Development through Volunteerism Discuss 2030

Bonn, Germany. On 13 and 14 October 2016, the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Programme will host its second Partnerships forum at the World Conference Center in Bonn. After the first Partnerships Forum held in 2014, the theme for this year’s Forum is 'Revitalizing Partnerships: Volunteerism for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)'.

Partners for Sustainable Development through Volunteerism Discuss 2030

The 2016 UNV Partnerships Forum gathers over 200 participants to discuss how to enhance global partnerships for sustainable development through volunteerism. The Forum is supported by the Ministry for Economic Cooperation for Development (BMZ) and the German Federal Foreign Office as well as the City of Bonn.

Bonn, Germany. On 13 and 14 October 2016, the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Programme will host its second Partnerships forum at the World Conference Center in Bonn. After the first Partnerships Forum held in 2014, the theme for this year’s Forum is 'Revitalizing Partnerships: Volunteerism for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)'.