UNV called ‘the jewel of the UN’ at Executive Board

UNV called ‘the jewel of the UN’ at Executive Board

Volunteering in Motion - UNV's Annual Report for 2018 launched

Volunteering in Motion - UNV's Annual Report for 2018 launched

Going Green at UNICEF Zimbabwe: Mitigating the impacts of climate change

Ivy Chinogwenya, national UN Volunteer for Climate Change with UNICEF in Zimbabwe makes a difference by finding ways to mitigate pollution and increase responsible consumption with children and their families. Read below her first-hand account of her assignment and the work she is doing in the area of climate action.

Working with UNICEF as a UN volunteer over the past year, my assignment included building awareness among staff on climate change, its impact and how we can mitigate its effects. I also advocate for sustainable practices in the way people consume energy and resources and manage waste both at work and in their personal lives. These efforts are in line with one of the targets of Sustainable Development Goal 13: to improve education, awareness-raising, human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning.

Resilience to climate change: UN Volunteers improve environment management in Niger

Communities in Niger are heavily hit by the consequences of climate change which affects the environment and, in turn, the social and economic sectors including agriculture, health and livestock. Longer periods of drought cause a severe food crisis in many localities of the country, especially in Maradi in the South. But UN Volunteers are there to help communities respond to environmental challenges. Kimba Abdou Hassane, UN Volunteer in the rural commune of Azagor (North of Maradi), serves as a water and forest engineer.  Part of his role is to provide technical support to the municipality, close supervision of communities and regular monitoring of resilient activities for the benefit of vulnerable populations, particularly women.

Niger a Sahelian landlocked country of approximately 22 million people, of which almost 84% is reliant on natural resources for their livelihoods. The increase of climate-related natural disasters in recent years, such as floods, changes in rainfall patterns make people even more vulnerable and hinder the country's development. UNV has deployed Environment Specialists to serve in areas such as climate change, water and forest engineering, and gender equality in each of the 7 municipalities of Maradi in Niger.

UN Volunteer helps prepare communities in Lao PDR for climate-related disasters

Victor Igbokwe, international UN Volunteer from Nigeria serving in Lao PDR, is currently involved in implementing early warning systems in Bolikhamxay and Saravane provinces. One of his main responsibilities is to coordinate partnership between telecommunication companies and government agencies through a project funded by Luxembourg, which is designed to build capacities at the local level. This partnership helps ensure that information on preparedness for weather-related unpredictable conditions is disseminated equally among all members of the community - including the most vulnerable population.

Imagine living close to a river and not knowing if and when the rivers will rise above normal levels. Imagine a large wave of rain flooding your land, destroying your home while washing away your dear belongings. This was the reality of many Laotians during the rainy season in 2018.

Environmental volunteering for sustainable food and agriculture and resilience of rural livelihoods

Human-induced climate change is producing significant changes in the planet's climate system. Increases in temperature and changes in rainfall patterns are some of the effects already visualized in different regions of the planet, mainly affecting the most vulnerable populations that depend on their natural environment. Sergio Hinojosa, UNV International Specialist in FAO, supports the member states to achieve their objectives related to sustainable food and agriculture and resilience of rural livelihoods, by implementing their policies and commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals (mainly SDGs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 13), the Rio Conventions, the Paris Agreement, and other related treaties, through sustainable management of land, soils, water, biodiversity and genetic resources.

Faced with the challenges caused by climate change, 194 countries have come together and created the Green Climate Fund (GCF), through which they hope to mobilize funds to limit or reduce greenhouse gas emissions (mitigation) and to achieve the adaptation of vulnerable populations in developing countries.

Urgently recruiting: UN Volunteers to support response to Cyclone Idai in Zimbabwe

This call closed on 9 June 2019. In March and April 2019, Southern Africa was hit by two subsequent cyclones that left a trail of damage and destruction in their path. In Zimbabwe, the floods burst rivers, and mudslides resulted in the loss of lives and livelihoods, severely damaging road networks, water points, bridges, irrigation schemes and electricity infrastructure. UNV is currently working to urgently recruit national and international UN Volunteers to support recovery initiatives by UNDP in Zimbabwe.

Urgently recruiting: UN Volunteers to support response to Cyclone Idai in Zimbabwe

This call closed on 9 June 2019. In March and April 2019, Southern Africa was hit by two subsequent cyclones that left a trail of damage and destruction in their path. In Zimbabwe, the floods burst rivers, and mudslides resulted in the loss of lives and livelihoods, severely damaging road networks, water points, bridges, irrigation schemes and electricity infrastructure. UNV is currently working to urgently recruit national and international UN Volunteers to support recovery initiatives by UNDP in Zimbabwe.