UN Volunteers provide food security to the most vulnerable in Lebanon and Gaza

Leaving no one behind is more than a statement. It is a heartfelt commitment to help the most vulnerable people in the world’s toughest places — a commitment — volunteers demonstrate daily. In seven Arab States for instance, 57 UN Volunteers have supported the World Food Programme’s (WFP) humanitarian response since 2020. These include specialists and youth, nationals and internationals, who contribute to WFP’s mandate in various roles. 

In Lebanon and Gaza, high unemployment, soaring costs of living and limited social assistance at the national level have forced millions into poverty.

Lebanese people, in particular, suffered financial and humanitarian setbacks following the explosion at the Port of Beirut in 2020.  With the Lebanese pound incurring a loss of more than 90 per cent of its value to the economic challenges that continue to limit any growth — the conflict in Ukraine adds more difficulties — the biggest of them all, a decrease in food imports.