Since 1976 when the United Nations General Assembly formally engaged UNV in the inclusion of youth into development and peace building through volunteerism, UNV’s significance towards this goal has been growing ever stronger. The 2014-2017 Strategic Framework of the agency puts emphasis on youth and channels effort towards the UN Youth Volunteers Programme as a means of making consistent and tangible progress.
11 July 2014
Sustainable development requires that disaster risks are reduced and communities are better prepared for response and recovery. The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme supports global efforts to reduce the impact of disasters by working at national and community level to support disaster prevention and risk reduction strategies.
13 October 2013
Through volunteerism, young people are given the chance to contribute positively to sustainable development, while building their own skills and experience. Volunteerism also creates channels for young people to participate positively in civic life, facilitating the inclusion of their voices in decision-making processes.
03 October 2012