The Executive Board commends UNV for the successful development and launch of its strategic framework and integrated results and resources matrix, 2014-2017, and for its efforts to improve operational effectiveness and efficiency. In addition the Executive Board commends UNV for its active and successful engagement in the Rio+20 process, and encourages UNV to continue to contribute to the development and implementation of the post-2015 development agenda...
27 June 2014
This Report presents an overview of results achieved by the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme during the 2012-2013 biennium in support of programme countries and United Nations entities in their peace and development efforts. It also outlines challenges and opportunities for UNV in the coming biennium, in the context of the new UNV strategic framework, 2014-2015.
02 April 2014
The Executive Board commends UNV for taking the lead in producing the first State of the World’s Volunteerism Report and encourages UNV to continue its publication. Also, the Executive Board encourages UNV to expand volunteering opportunities for young people, as outlined in the five-year action agenda of the Secretary-General, and to this effect, welcomes the initiative to establish a trust fund to receive voluntary contributions for the creation of a youth volunteer corps under the umbrella of UNV.
28 June 2012
The Report provides an overview of results achieved by the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme during the 2010-2011 biennium, in support of programme countries and United Nations organizations in their peace and development efforts, including achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). It also identifies challenges and opportunities, especially in response to the Five-year Action Agenda of the United Nations Secretary-General.
17 April 2012
The Executive Board takes particular note of the growth in the scale and scope of the UNV Online Volunteering service, and encourages UNV to continue its efforts to innovate and diversify volunteer modalities, and to increase gender balance in its assignments. Furthermore, the Executive Board encourages UNV to continue working through the United Nations Country Teams to integrate volunteerism into programming, recognizing that national and international volunteers are an integral part of United Nations assistance.
30 June 2010
The Report provides an overview of results achieved by the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme during the 2008-2009 biennium, in support of programme countries and United Nations organizations in their efforts towards peace and development, including achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.
14 April 2010
The Executive Board notes that the United Nations Volunteers programme can effectively contribute, at the community level, to addressing environmental sustainability, including climate change, and encourages the United Nations Volunteers programme to engage in community-level natural resources management and climate mitigation and adaptation activities, upon request by programme countries.
26 June 2008
The Report provides an overview of the performance of the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme in 2006-2007, and information on results achieved in areas where UNV is making distinctive contributions to programme countries and United Nations system-wide efforts towards peace and development, including the Millennium Development Goals.
04 April 2008
The Executive Board welcomes the increased involvement of nationally recruited volunteers in UNV activities and encourages continued efforts in this direction, noting its potential for capacity development and sustainability. Therefore, the Executive Board encourages UNV to continue to increase its focus on assisting programme countries in developing sustainable national capacities, to mobilize volunteers domestically through, inter alia, national volunteer schemes, volunteer centres and networks, where appropriate.
23 June 2006
The Report provides an overview of the performance of the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme during the biennium 2004-2005 through the results framework of the organization, which is aligned to the multi-year funding framework (MYFF) of UNDP. At its core are the areas of distinctive contribution that UNV makes to United Nations system-wide efforts towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
19 April 2006