The Executive Board stresses the need for further contributions, including through for example, co-financing arrangements, to the special Voluntary Fund for activities of the United Nations Volunteers, the United Nations Short-Term Advisory Resources, and the Transfers of Knowledge through Expatriate Nationals and other United Nations Volunteers operations. In addition, the Executive Board supports the United Nations Volunteers as the United Nations operational arm of the White Helmets initiative.
10 May 1996
The Report highlights dramatic evaluation of the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) activities in the humanitarian, peacebuilding and governance arenas over the past two years.
15 March 1996
Revised budget estimates for the biennium 1994-1995 and budget estimates for the biennium 1996-1997. The Executive Board takes note of the cost-savings that will occur as a result of decision 95/2 on the relocation of the United Nations Volunteers headquarters to Bonn, and urges the Administrator, in light of these savings, to increase programme activities involving the United Nations Volunteers.
15 September 1995
The Executive Board endorses the proposal of the Secretary General to accept the offer of the Government of the Germany to relocate the Headquarter of the United Nations Volunteers to Bonn from mid, 1996 onward. Therefore, The Executive Board authorizes the Administrator, following the acceptance in principle by the Secretary General, to continue discussuions in terms and provisions of the offer in order to resolve the outstanding issues and finalize the arrangement that will enable the transfer of the headquarters of the United Nations Volunteers to Bonn in July 1996.
10 January 1995
Proposal of the Secretary-General to relocate the headquarters of the United Nations Volunteers programme from Geneva to Bonn
02 December 1994
The Executive Board invites the Administrator to designate UNV as manager of Transfer Of Knowledge Through Expatriates National Initiative in addition to United Nations International Short-term Advisory Resource Programme, which has already merged with the United Nations Volunteers.
13 May 1994
The Report outlines the significant programme thrusts made by UNV during the 1992-1993 biennium in response to the challenges faced by the international community and shows how UNV has had an increasing impact on many of the recent initiatives of the United Nations, spanning the spectrum from development to humanitarian and peace-related activities. Action is sought from the Executive Board regarding: (a) the management of the Transfer of Knowledge through Expatriate Nationals (TOKTEN) programme; and (b) the planning of the use general purpose funds of the Special Voluntary Fund (SVF).
28 April 1994
The Report of the UNDP Administrator on Transfer of Technology Through Expatriate Nationals (TOKTEN)
23 March 1994
The Report summarizes the key features and achievements of UNV work in the last two years, and outlines the vision and strategic directions adopted by the programme as it charts its course into the next century within the overarching context of United Nations reform. In this connection, the advice and action of the Executive Board is sought, specifically on UNV plans as it prepares for activities in the next two years and for the International Year of Volunteers, 2001.
27 March 1988
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals