The Report highlights, for information purposes only, the main activities undertaken by the United Nations Volunteers programme. In particular, those in pursuit of the development of international voluntarism within the framework of multilateral technical co-operation; the promotion of Domestic Development Services (DDS) programmes; and participatory development.
24 March 1986
The Governing Council recommends that the General Assembly consider the question of designating an International Day for Volunteers for Economic and Social Development.
29 June 1985
The Governing Council notes the progress achieved in assisting the most severely affected African countries in utilizing more effectively emergency relief assistance through, inter alia, the provision of qualified United Nations Volunteers under a regional project (RAF/84/024) approved by the Governing Council at its thirty-first session, in decision 84/18.
28 June 1985
Statistical data relating to the UNV programme in 1984.
01 March 1985
The Report brings to the Council’s attention the main highlights of the activities of the United Nations Volunteer programme during 1984.
01 March 1985
The Governing Council approves, on the understanding that this should not be regarded as a precedent, an allocation of $1.5 million from Special Programme Resources for a regional project in Africa south of the Sahara to counter the effects of the natural disaster in the reqion by providing United Nations volunteers to the affected regions.
29 June 1984
This Report brings into focus the continuing need to channel into technical co-operation programmes volunteers at the middle and higher level of operational expertise of the type offered by the United Nations Volunteers programme . It emphasizes the efforts made to widen and increase the span of participation in the programme to embrace all nationalities as requested during last yea~s UNDP Governing Council. Mention is made of the various administrative arrangements which UNV is making in order to strengthen its capacity to fill its mandate.
14 February 1984
The Governing Council decides not to change the present financial arrangements for the United Nations Volunteers. In addition, the Governing Council appeals to member Governments to make renewed efforts to bring about solutions to the problem of the financing the Special Voluntary Fund.
23 June 1983
In giving an account of important developments and progress during 1982, this Report brings into focus the increased needs for middle-level operational expertise of the type which the United Nations Volunteers programme provides. It also summarizes some of the new special activities in which the programme was involved during the past year, in particular those related to emergency assistance and aid to refugees, and others in the context of the International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade.
22 April 1983
The Governing Council noting with satisfaction the outcome of the first High-Level Symposium on International Volunteer Service and Development, held at Sana’a Yemen Arab Republic, in March 1982 and the adoption by consensus of the Sana’a Declaration. Moreover, the Governing Council requests the Executive Co-ordinator of the United Nations Volunteers to continue his commendable efforts to recruit more women for the United Nations Volunteers.
18 June 1982
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