SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth, SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
Online Volunteers are valuable assets in implementing projects that require data analysis and digital technologies. The SDG AI Lab at UNDP Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (IICPSD) brought together over 100 Online Volunteers from 45 countries under its Volunteer Data Scientists initiative, a partnership with the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme. 
10 May 2022
Europe and Central Asia
Success stories
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
22 April 2022
Europe and Central Asia
SDG 3: Good health and well-being
When Aidana Yergaliyeva (Kazakhstan), Dayanch Hojageldiyev* (Turkmenistan), Malika Djalalova (Uzbekistan), Sara Kajevikj (North Macedonia), Parandzem Paryan (Armenia), Faris Mahmutovic (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Rusudan Khotivari (Georgia) joined their teams, many countries faced – and still face – difficult COVID-19 situations. But that didn’t scare them off.
04 April 2022
Europe and Central Asia
Success stories
SDG 10: Reduced inequalities, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
Hudoykul grew up in Urgut district in the Samarkand region of Uzbekistan. He said that as a child, he learned to always put in that “extra effort” to “fit in” so that others would accept him. And he did fit in – excelling at most subjects in national and international law at university. 
17 March 2022
Europe and Central Asia
Success stories
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
16 March 2022
Europe and Central Asia
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
As a retiree, I didn’t expect to apply for another assignment, but the UN process of application and interview was easy to manage in my situation then, confined at home during COVID-19 lockdown. I had the time to commit to a volunteer programme, which engaged the skills I had used throughout my working life. In addition, the job brought me in touch with the continent where I had made my home for so long. -- Laurel Boland, online volunteer.
01 March 2022
Europe and Central Asia
Success stories
SDG 4: Quality education, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
Throughout my studies, I became interested in the interplay between social policy and economic growth. Hence, I decided to focus on the provision of quality education and how education systems impact social and economic development, especially in the context of Europe and Central Asia.  Serving as a UN Volunteer with the World Bank in line with my values: it enables me to have a real impact on improving people's access to social services, infrastructure and good jobs, as well as empowering young people. 
21 February 2022
Europe and Central Asia
Success stories
SDG 5: Gender equality, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
The underrepresentation of women in the digital technology industry is not a new topic. This often occurs due to an over-competitive and male-dominant system, lack of female role models and unclear career prospects for those interested. One of the talented women data scientists who overcame all those challenges is Ozge Ozkaya, a national UN Volunteer in Turkey. Ozge serves as a Junior Data Science Officer at the SDG AI Lab in pursuit of digital transformation to achieve Sustainable Development Goals. 
16 February 2022
Europe and Central Asia
Success stories
SDG 3: Good health and well-being, SDG 10: Reduced inequalities, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
Ayaka’s assignment had a strong focus on COVID-19 response and capacity building, along with accelerating private sector engagement in the Sustainable Development Goals. She also enhanced Uzbekistan’s participation in the UN Food Systems Summit last year. 
27 January 2022
Europe and Central Asia
Success stories
SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth, SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
What motivated you to become a UN Volunteer? Led by a strong and innate desire to contribute to making a better world, I have dreamed of working for the UN since I was a child. The UN Volunteers programme provided me with a great opportunity to be a part of the organization and fulfill that dream.
25 January 2022
Europe and Central Asia
Success stories