The UN News Centre features Piera Zuccherin, UNV Programme Officer in Ecuador, in an in-depth article on her 20 years of experience as a volunteer and her current UNV assignment in Ecuador.  The article reports on UNV, its work towards the MDGs and on Ms Zuccherin's activities in Ecuador, among others, mobilizing community volunteers to preserve the environment and reduce poverty.  
05 June 2015
Afrique, Afrique, Afrique
In the frame of the UN Days, former ONUCI days for peace, reconciliation and social cohesion in Côte d’Ivoire, from 16 to 18 January the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme Field Unit held a healthiness operation at the General Hospital of Lakota, conducted by UNV Programme Manager Mr Jacques Mouaya. “The main entrance of the hospital looked more like a garbage can than anything else because of the proximity of the city market, which you have to cross before reaching the hospital premises”, said Abou Seidou, UN Volunteer for ONUCI.
11 February 2013
In the frame of the UN Days, former ONUCI days for peace, reconciliation and social cohesion in Côte d’Ivoire, from 16 to 18 January the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme Field Unit held a healthiness operation at the General Hospital of Lakota, conducted by UNV Programme Manager Mr Jacques Mouaya. “The main entrance of the hospital looked more like a garbage can than anything else because of the proximity of the city market, which you have to cross before reaching the hospital premises”, said Abou Seidou, UN Volunteer for ONUCI.
11 February 2013
Risks associated with climate change threaten to reinforce gender inequalities and even erode progress that has been made towards gender equality in many developing countries. Poor women’s limited access to resources, restricted rights, limited mobility and voice in community and household decision-making can make them much more vulnerable than men to the effects of climate change. This is unfair and can lead to unfortunate consequences for all, as women play a unique role in the stewardship of natural resources and support to households and communities.
08 March 2012
Risks associated with climate change threaten to reinforce gender inequalities and even erode progress that has been made towards gender equality in many developing countries. Poor women’s limited access to resources, restricted rights, limited mobility and voice in community and household decision-making can make them much more vulnerable than men to the effects of climate change. This is unfair and can lead to unfortunate consequences for all, as women play a unique role in the stewardship of natural resources and support to households and communities.
08 March 2012
UN Women, UN Women, UN Women, Afrique, Afrique, Afrique, Monusco, Monusco, Monusco, Monusco
The Ecological Boomerang project – or 'Eco-Boom', as people commonly refer to it – began its activities in Fergana in September. A joint initiative of UNV and the UNDP resource centre in Tashkent, and financially supported by UNV Uzbekistan under its IYV+10 Mini-Grant initiative, the project began its first training of trainers in October.
25 November 2011
Lack of awareness about environmental issues is widespread in Kosovo. Plastic bags and other waste are often indiscriminately thrown away, polluting soil, rivers and underground water. Thousands of plastic bags are distributed every day in supermarkets and shops, further increasing potential damage to the environment. UN Volunteers are helping to draw attention to these problems and encouraging more environmentally-friendly habits among citizens.
25 October 2011
Afrique, Afrique, Afrique
Lack of awareness about environmental issues is widespread in Kosovo. Plastic bags and other waste are often indiscriminately thrown away, polluting soil, rivers and underground water. Thousands of plastic bags are distributed every day in supermarkets and shops, further increasing potential damage to the environment. UN Volunteers are helping to draw attention to these problems and encouraging more environmentally-friendly habits among citizens.
25 October 2011
At the opening of the 64th annual DPI-NGO conference in Bonn, Ban Ki-Moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, said voluntary action was one of the highest expressions of our common humanity.  Looking forward to the “Rio+20” United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, he said the solution to current dangerous climate change lay in a fundamental transformation of consumption patterns and life styles.  Creating a sustainable green economy that would protect the environment and help achieve the Millennium Development Goals would not be possible without the involvement of
07 September 2011
Today, on World Environment Day 2011, we reflect on the achievements and contributions of volunteers to the environment and to development at large. This year’s theme, ‘Forests:  Nature at Your Service’, comes quite timely as the international community gears up towards the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20).
05 June 2011