Madam Chair, distinguished delegates, Associate Administrator,  The report before the Executive Board provides a high-level summary of UNV’s work in 2023. While it strives to comprehensively cover our activities and the hard evidence of our results, it may still lack the vivid details of the daily realities.
06 June 2024
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
06 June 2019
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
06 June 2019
70 online volunteers have contributed extensively, over the course of several months, to the Peace Bag for EuroMed Youth toolkit, drafting, reviewing and translating the 191 page publication into 12 languages, as well as creating the layout and a web version. The team was awarded the Online Volunteering Award 2011 for this exceptional engagement.
21 September 2012
70 online volunteers have contributed extensively, over the course of several months, to the Peace Bag for EuroMed Youth toolkit, drafting, reviewing and translating the 191 page publication into 12 languages, as well as creating the layout and a web version. The team was awarded the Online Volunteering Award 2011 for this exceptional engagement.
21 September 2012