SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
International Volunteer Day 2014 has finally arrived! Make change happen, volunteer! This year, on this very special day, the United Nations Volunteers programme not only celebrates and recognizes volunteerism in all its facets, but pays special tribute to the participation of people in making change at all levels – locally, nationally and globally. For IVD 2014, please join us in acknowledging and enhancing people’s participation, engagement and voice, in shaping and implementing development policies and the world we want.
04 December 2014
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
The IVD theme in 2014 theme underlines the ability of volunteerism to help create open spaces for dialogue and inclusion, ultimately fostering the participation of people from all age groups, genders, and backgrounds in decision-making processes. This grassroots engagement is currently helping to build a more inclusive process of crafting the post-2015 development agenda – the world's next plan for eradicating extreme poverty and achieving sustainable development.
04 December 2014
The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme in Cambodia published its third and last newsletter in 2013, taking a special look at the country's International Volunteer Day (IVD) celebrations, during which over 750 volunteers from all over Cambodia gathered on 5th December in Phnom Penh to recognize the contributions that volunteers make to Cambodia’s development.
09 January 2014
On the occasion of International Volunteer Day, the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme has launched a report gathering findings, perceptions and recommendations on youth volunteerism in Arab states, as part of its regional project, Arab Youth Volunteering for a Better Future. The report is the fruit of twelve months of field work, focus groups, questionnaires, desk reviews and national workshops carried out in 2012 in each of the project’s target countries: Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Tunisia and Yemen.
12 December 2013
On Saturday 23 February 2013, hundreds of youth flocked from all parts of Egypt to celebrate International Volunteer Day (IVD) organized by UNV Egypt, in cooperation with several UN agencies, government entities, private sector, and national and international NGOs.  The theme used for IVD 2012 in Egypt was “3afer” – the 3 represents the Arabic guttural letter ?a, and the word is pronounced ?aafer.  The word “3afer” in the Egyptian connotation implies persistence and hard work.  
03 April 2013
West and Central Africa