UN Volunteers with UNDP serve across the world to promote sustainable development initiatives, environment is one of them. In this photo, national UN Volunteers act as Youth Mobilizers for sustainable waste management.
UN Volunteers with UNDP serve across the world to promote sustainable development initiatives, environment is one of them. In this photo, national UN Volunteers act as Youth Mobilizers for sustainable waste management.

"Remember the impact of volunteering" says UNDP Resident Representative

For UN Volunteers environmental impact is important. And that's the message Armen Grigoryan, a former UN Volunteer currently United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative in North Macedonia, gave while visiting United Nations Volunteers in Bonn. Reflecting on World Environment Day, he speaks of disaster risk reduction and environmental protection — topics close to his heart.

In an interview at UNV Headquarters, Armen Grigoryan shares, "Volunteering is a growing concept in North Macedonia as it contributes to the improved quality of life through the active involvement of people in social life.

UN Volunteers can advocate for the importance of volunteerism in the communities and workplaces especially in the support of public institutions, state bodies, local self-government units and the City of Skopje in many areas, as well the disaster risk management, environment protection issues, good governance and inclusion.

Young people are often noted for their higher social and environmental awareness and consciousness. They prioritize social causes and show a strong desire to positively impact their communities and the world.

Their involvement should directly support our mission and help advance the Sustainable Development Goals."

To the young people the advice that I would like to give — remember the impact — whether you volunteer for a few weeks, months, or years, remember that every contribution, no matter how small, has the potential to create positive change.

Please listen to an excerpt from Armen Grigoryan, UNDP Resident Representative's interview below.



Armen Grigoryan, UNDP Resident Representative in North Macedonia started his volunteering journey in 1988 after the devastating earthquake in Armenia. He was a UN Volunteer Programme Officer for the Regional Disaster Management Training Programme with UNDP Armenia from 1997 to 1998, after which he moved on to be the Regional Cluster Leader on Climate Change and Disaster Resilience and Global Energy Policy Advisor at the UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub.