Mr J?rgen Nimptsch (centre left), Lord Mayor of the City of Bonn, Dr. Maria Hohn-Berghorn (centre), Head of the International Affairs Office of the City of Bonn and Professor Jakob Rhyner (right), Chair of the UN Heads of Agencies and his wife upon their arrival at the UN tent. Their first stop was the UNV Millennium Development Goals game table.

UNV celebrates United Nations Day in Bonn

UNV joined sister organizations in the annual celebration of UN Day 2012 in Bonn, which took place on Saturday, 20 October 2012.  Close to 25,000 people passed through the Market Square during the course of the day, with around 300 people in the United Nations tent at any given time from opening to closing. The event was a great opportunity for the United Nations in Bonn to raise awareness and reach out to the public. 

UNV joined sister organizations in the annual celebration of UN Day 2012 in Bonn, which took place on Saturday, 20 October 2012.  Close to 25,000 people passed through the Market Square during the course of the day, with around 300 people in the United Nations tent at any given time from opening to closing. The event was a great opportunity for the United Nations in Bonn to raise awareness and reach out to the public.  UN and other organizations shared information about their contribution to the Millennium Development Goals and sustainable human development.  The motto of the City of Bonn for the day was “Make each purchase a goal  -- Score 8:0 for development”, and the aim was to get visitors engaged in making the world more sustainable with every purchase.

Staff volunteers from the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme and their families invited visitors, including the Lord Mayor of Bonn, Mr Jürgen Nimptsch, to participate in MDGs games.  These raised awareness of the goals and progress to meet them and of the debates currently underway regarding the operational framework that will guide development efforts after the MDG schema expires in 2015. Youth, in particular, were eager to know more about the contribution UN Volunteers make towards sustainable peace and development. Some reported learning about the MDGs and development challenges in class.

UN Day is celebrated globally to highlight the aims and achievements of the United Nations. The day marks the anniversary of the signing of the UN Charter on 24 October 1945 and has been observed annually in Bonn since 1996, when UNV moved, as the first UN organization, from Geneva, Switzerland to Bonn.


Bonn, Germany