UNGA Resolution 60/134: Follow-up to the implementation of the International Year of Volunteers

This UN General Assembly resolution (A/RES/60/134), co-sponsored by 84 Member States and adopted on 16 December 2005, invites all stakeholders, especially from the private sector community and from private foundations, to support volunteerism as a strategic tool to enhance economic and social development, including by expanding corporate volunteering.

The resolution also encourages governments to establish partnerships with civil society in order to build up volunteer potential at the national level, “given the important contribution that volunteerism makes to the fulfilment of the internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration”.

The resolution noted “with appreciation the efforts to increase understanding and awareness of volunteerism through research, global information sharing and education, including efforts to develop an effective network for volunteers through, inter alia, the World Volunteer Web and linked national sites.”