Dao Thu Huong: Be visible and engaged

Dao Thu Huong: Be visible and engaged
18.04.2024 | 09:44

Dao Thu Huong: Be visible and engaged

Dao Thu Huong served as a UN Volunteer Disability Rights Officer with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Country Office in Viet Nam from 2019 to 2022. She served as part of the UNDP-UNV Talent Programme for Young Professionals with Disabilities.

During her assignment, Huong championed the rights of people with disabilities and was a passionate voice for their support and inclusion. 

She led workshops with government and development partners, enhancing participation and amplifying the voices of persons with disabilities in the decision-making process. 

As a person with a disability herself, Huong believes that disabilities do not have to limit the individual. “By being there and leading these workshops myself, I demonstrated that just because a person has a disability, it does not mean they are any less capable of delivering high-quality outcomes in a professional environment. I am committed to building the right support systems around people with disabilities and ensuring they are visible and engaged in society.” 

Huong feels that by being involved, persons with disabilities challenge perceptions and change mindsets. She received a lot of support from her team at UNDP, which made her feel comfortable.  

Her favourite quote, “If you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go together!” is what shapes her volunteering journey and all that she’s achieved. 

Through this quote, Huong also reiterates the importance of collaboration for long-lasting progress. 

Huong is currently a Disability Inclusion Officer with UNDP in Viet Nam. 

This article was produced with the kind support of Online Volunteer Abbey Gibson. Find out more on how to volunteer online or engage Online Volunteers.