UN Volunteer supports UNHCR with COVID-19 response in Chad

In eastern Chad, Dr José Mathieu Mba Bekolo, UN Volunteer Associate Public Health Officer with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), coordinates health projects in the region of Ouaddaï. The area hosts around 132,000 mostly Sudanese refugees in the five camps of Farchana, Treguine, Bredjing, Gaga and Moura.

The Chadian government confirmed the first case of COVID-19 within its borders on 19 March 2020. At the time, Dr Mba, who is a medical doctor and public health specialist, was already working on response plans and sensitization measures for refugees in Ouaddaï.

UNV pilot virtual workshop nurtures the skills of UN Youth Volunteers in Asia and the Pacific

The workshop explored the role of volunteering in contributing to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and enhanced the knoweldge and leadership of participating UN Youth Volunteers, especially in the COVID-19 context.

Welcoming the participants via a video message Kyoko Yokosuka, Chief of UNV's External Relations and Communications Section, highlighted the importance of UN Volunteers serving with pride, awareness and ethics.

Countering gender-based violence before and during the COVID-19 outbreak

In Kosovo (as per UN Security Council resolution 1244), UN Women is working on challenging gender disparities and facilitating the adaptation of international and regional standards for gender equality. We share the experience of Anisa Bina, a former UN Volunteer, and how she supported UN Women in promoting gender equality and countering gender-based violence, both before and during the COVID-19 crisis.

Anisa Bina, 29, leaped at the chance to advance UN Women’s mission and vision when she was selected for a national UN Volunteer assignment as Communications Assistant.  While some young people may find themselves at crossroads when finishing their studies, Anisa had already set her mind on what she wanted to do in accordance with her values and background.

UN Volunteers bolster UN system coordination and information management

UN Volunteers are “champions” in the fight against COVID-19 in South Sudan

About 45 of the 111 medical civilian personnel serving with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) are international UN Volunteers. Their vast experience makes them well-prepared for the COVID-19 crisis, which they respond to in adherence with guidelines established by the United Nations, and in close collaboration with the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health in South Sudan. 

Lydia Mpeh is on the frontline of the battle against COVID-19 in South Sudan. Originally from Cameroon, the UN Volunteer serves as a medical laboratory technician in the Rumbek region, using her expertise to manage the lab at a hospital operated by UNMISS.

Building hope among Venezuelan refugees and internally displaced persons in Colombia

Amid the crisis due to coronavirus, UN Volunteers have adapted their work to keep serving the communities. For UN Volunteers, this pandemic is an example that Venezuelans and internally displaced persons of concern need accurate orientation, now more than ever.

"Sometimes just the simple act of listening to a person, listening to their case, is a light of hope [for them]," says Karen Uzcategui Mojica, a UN Volunteer since July 2019. Karen's dedication to the refugee community was evident throughout the interview for this article, as she explained the intricacies of her work. 

As a UN Volunteer assigned to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), Karen serves refugees, asylum seekers, persons in need of international protection, returnees, internally displaced persons and persons at risk of statelessness.

Japan-UNV partnership for COVID-19 impact reduction

The Novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is placing significant strains in many countries, particularly in the Global South, reversing many positive gains in sustainable development. UN entities are working closely with national governments, community groups, the health sector and industry to respond to this crisis.

UNV joins efforts to tackle COVID-19 in Zambia

UN Volunteer nursing COVID-19 patients in Mali

As medical personnel, UN Volunteer Nurses are among the closest to COVID-19 patients and the most credible advisors on how to combat the pandemic, alongside with doctors and other medical advisors. Eby Emile Ehounoud is a UN Volunteer Nurse from Côte d'Ivoire, and shares his experience in Mopti, Mali, fighting the virus on all fronts.

Eby Emile serves in Mopti with the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) as a licensed practical nurse. His work boils down to promoting and applying preventive health policies and activities for the general populace and evaluating the quality of medical services provided to United Nations personnel.

New era volunteerism in response to COVID-19: Volunteers as harbingers of change

As morning breaks, the sun starts rising over empty streets and silence. This is the time of lockdown, the new rhythm of life in the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought tremendous challenges for humanity. Suddenly, people start to show up in the streets. Wearing masks and protective gear, they bustle about their business.

Some of them load trucks with big boxes full of food and hygiene items. Others are rushing to distribute printed handouts outlining the basic principles of hygiene in the context of COVID-19. Yet others are sitting in front of their laptops at home or reaching each household in remote and affected areas, assisting health or social workers, delivering food or disseminating the handouts.