UNDP Governing Council Decision (79/24) - Target of 1.000 field volunteers by 1993 - see page 488

The Governing Council, takes note with appreciation of the Administrator’s report on the progress of the United Nations Volunteers programme and of the statement by the Co-ordinator that the number of volunteers in the field now exceeds the initial target of 500 as established by the General Assembly.

UNDP Governing Council Decision (78/14) - see page 437

The Governing Council considers that UNV has an important role in providing assistance particulary to least developed and newly independent countries. In addition, the Governing Council appeals to all countries to assist the UNV to the maximum extent possible in the identification and recruitment of qualified candidates.


The Economic and Social Council acknowledges the role in the achievement of national and international development goals that has been entrusted to the United Nations Volunteers programme, and the potential of that programme for the advancement of youth's role in development...

ECOSOC - E/RES/1618 (LI)

The Economic and Social Council welcomes the appointment of the Co-ordinator for the United Nations Volunteer programme.

UNDP Governing Council Decision (76/39) - on Financing the United Nations Volunteers programme - see pages 338-339

The Governing Council, taking note of the Administrator’s report on the United Nations Volunteers and the Administrator’s note on the financing of the United Nations Volunteers programme, recognizes that the activities of the programme would be adversely affected by inadequate resources.

UNDP Governing Council Decision (77/41) - see pages 404-405

The Governing Council, approves the inclusion of in-country costs for volunteers in projects funded by the Special Measures Fund...

UNDP Governing Council Decision (76/23) - see page 328

The GC decided to approve, as an interim measure, the use of the UNV SVF to finance the in-country costs of volunteers in least developed countries, pending approval of a permanent solution. In addition, the Governing Council requested the Administrator to submit a proposal on the long-term funding of in-country costs of the United Nations Volunteers programme to the Governing Council at its twenty-second session...

UNDP Governing Council Decision (72/27) - see page 173

The Governing Council requested the administrator to give effort to establish the Co-ordinator`s office in Geneva and the appropriate liaison Office at UNDP Headquarter in order to resolve the issue of the final location of the Coordinator`s Office. 

UNDP Governing Council Decision (71/44) - see page 155

The Governing Council recalls its decision in regard to the question of the headquarters of the United Nations Volunteers.


The ECOSOC requests the Secretary-General to designate the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme as the Administrator of the United Nations Volunteers.