UNGA Resolution 33/84 on: United Nations Volunteers programme

The General Assembly is convinced that, with a greater proportion of technically qualified volunteers currently being reqruited from developing countries themselves, the United Nations Programmes is assuming an important role as an instrument of technical cooperation among developing countries. Also, The General Assembly appeals to the Governments of the Member States to consider contributing to or increasing their contributions to the Special Voluntary Fund for the United Nations Volunteers.

UNGA Resolution 31/166 on: UNV Domestic Development Services (DDS) - see page 73

The General Assembly requests the Administrator of the United Nations Development programme to develop further and expand activites of the United Nations Volunteers in the field of domestic development services; to ensure that the United Nations Volunteers programme actively promotes the formation of regional advisory groups for domestic development services and subsequently co-operates to the fullest possible extent with such group; to ensure that the United Nations Volunteers programme prepares and publishes relevant material on volunteer and domestic development services activities.

UNGA Resolution 3125/XXVIII on: United Nations Volunteers programme - see pages 46-47

The GA endorses the measures beign taken by UNV to assume the responsibility for its own recruitment, working directly with sponsoring agencies and organizations interested in participating in the programme...

UNGA Resolution 2810(XXVI) on: United Nations Volunteers programme

The General Assembly reaffirms its conviction that the active participation of the younger generation in all aspects of social and economic life constitutes an important additional source of trained manpower in the over-all development efforts, thus ensuring the increased effectivness of collective effrots necessary for a better society.

UNGA Resolution 2460 (XXIII): Feasibility of creating an international corps of volunteers for development

The GA requests the ECOSOC to study the feasibility of creating an international corps of volunteers for development...

Olivier Adam: "Korea stands at the forefront of international peace"

Korea is a model at the industrial, human and educational levels. They are at the forefront of international peace...

Climate conference depends on volunteer help

More than 600 volunteers are supporting the COP 23 World Climate Conference. Their tasks are wide-spread

Volunteers assist bomb explosion victims in Mogadishu, Somalia

The Aamin Ambulance service, made up of 35 nurses, paramedics and drivers, along with a fleet of ten vehicles, rush to the bomb explosion scene to offer first aid to victims and ferry the injured to hospitals in Mogadishu in Somalia.

For the past ten years the volunteers have remained true to their calling as rescuers, offering emergency medical aid to those in need. Dr. Abdulkadir Abdirahman Adan, the founder of the 24-hour free ambulance service in Mogadishu, says he was motivated to start the voluntary service by the deplorable state of health services in the city.

The role of youth in building sustainable and resilient urban and rural communities

The Forum

The ECOSOC Youth Forum (30-31 January 2018) will provide a platform for youth to engage in a dialogue with Member States, discuss policy frameworks and promote innovative, institutionalised approaches and initiatives for advancing the youth development agenda at national, regional and global levels with a view to promoting solutions to the global challenge of strengthening resilience and sustainable development. 

The role of youth in building sustainable and resilient urban and rural communities

The Forum

The ECOSOC Youth Forum (30-31 January 2018) will provide a platform for youth to engage in a dialogue with Member States, discuss policy frameworks and promote innovative, institutionalised approaches and initiatives for advancing the youth development agenda at national, regional and global levels with a view to promoting solutions to the global challenge of strengthening resilience and sustainable development.