"Good of the people is the greatest law" says an international UN Volunteer serving with UNHCR in Somalia

Urvashi Bundel is from India and serves as an international UN Volunteer Associate Refugee Status Determination Officer with UNCHR in Somalia. Through her volunteering, Urvashi has experienced a lot, she says, something that people get to encounter much later, she has, at quite a young age. She tells her volunteering story.

With nearly ten years in the United Nations system and some eight years working directly with vulnerable refugee and asylum-seeking populations, I value my service to UNHCR's international protection mandate. 

UNHCR in Somalia works with government and stakeholders to provide humanitarian assistance, and advance peace and development in priority areas of return and reintegration.

Expanding the space for youth in Somalia

Hana Abdi Salad is a national UN Volunteer Specialist Youth and Innovation Associate. She is based in Garowe, Somalia with UNICEF. She says the best part of her volunteering assignment is to interact with young people and support their aspirations. This is her story.




I am the focal point of UPSHIFT with UNICEF. which aims at youth social innovation.  

Making a difference in the lives of refugees in Somalia

Deny Beryan Saputra is an international UN Volunteer Specialist. He is from Indonesia and serves as Associate Operational Data Management Officer in Somalia since April 2022. Deny says volunteering allows him to utilize his skills while also helping him to gain broader experience and contribute to his career growth. Below is his volunteering story.

Everyone has the power to make a difference in the world. Driven by this conviction, I started my UN Volunteer assignment with the UN's Refugee Agency, UNHCR in Somalia.

The humanitarian context grapples with multiple displacement complexities. 

I am stationed in Hargeisa in Somaliland.

I am deeply involved in the collection, management, and analysis of data on persons of concern, including asylum seekers, refugees, returnees, and internally displaced people. 

From Somalia, a lesson on service to humanity

Joel Gallardo (Peru) served as a UN Volunteer with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) in Somalia between 2021 and 2022. He was the focal point for the Programme Unit in Kismayo and Jubaland during a drought emergency in Somalia. He shares the lessons he gained during his UN Volunteer assignment.

What were the key highlights of your responsibilities during your assignment with UNHCR Somalia?
I was the programme focal point in Kismayo and Jubaland, covering four field units. I supported the Mogadishu sub-office, monitoring and reporting on key indicators and other information requested by partners.  As the field unit programme focal point in Kismayo, I coordinated activities such as capacity building sessions with communities. I interacted with counterparts in different town and regions and regularly visited the people of concern that we served.