Questioning the negative impact of deeply ingrained harmful traditional practices

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and child marriage are both recognized human rights issues affecting girls and women worldwide. They remain prevalent in 27 countries, where more than 40 million girls and women are reported to have experienced FGM and/or child marriage. West and Central Africa is a region with high rates of migration, coupled with high rates of harmful practices. Here, the cross-border practice of FGM and child marriage is an emerging trend that has presented unexpected and evolving challenges. 

To tackle these challenges, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and UNV launched the Data and Research Fellowship Programme in 2019. The second cohort of the programme was deployed to seven UNFPA offices in Africa to deliver on research studies related to gender-based violence (GBV) and projects that address FGM, child marriage and intimate partner violence.