Mamlaka Zanzibar wapongeza programu ya kujitolea ya UN

Zanzibar President and Chairman of the Revolutionary Council. Ali Mohamed Shein congratulates the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme for its initiative to continue supporting Zanzibar in development activities.

UN Volunteers' chief back harmonised policies

Volunteers will paly a key role in the development of East African community integration if the member countries policies are harmonised to allow establishment of formal system.

United Nations Volunteers Chief Olivier Adam set to visit Uganda

The Executive Coordinator of the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme, Mr Olivier Adam, is visiting the East African region under the mantra of fostering regional integration and development through volunteerism.

UNV and Japan: partnering on Human Resource Development for Peacebuilding and Development

The Global Human Resource Development Programme for Peacebuilding and Development (HRD Programme) is a joint partnership between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, the Hiroshima Peacebuilders Center and UNV. It was established in 2007, is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The HRD Programme aims to advance the reach and impact of volunteerism through the strategic deployment of skilled individuals to UN agencies engaged in peacebuilding and development.

Arabic version of the 2018 State of World's Volunteerism Report launched in Cairo, Egypt

Report of the Secretary-General: Plan of action to integrate volunteering into the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (A/73/254)

In this report, the Secretary-General has highlighted several priority actions that will enable stakeholders to maximize the impact of voluntary efforts for peace and development under the 2030 Agenda. A shift from ad hoc and isolated volunteer projects to sustainable investment at scale is needed to widen volunteering opportunities and ensure the inclusion of all types of people. Increased practice- sharing and knowledge development, in particular on informal volunteering and volunteering in fragile and low-income contexts, are required.

Improving the living conditions of internally displaced persons in Adamawa, North-East Nigeria

According to a report by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) of June 2018, the crisis in North-eastern Nigeria (now in its ninth year) “remains one of the most severe in the world, where human rights violations continue to be reported daily, and where the food security and nutrition situation remains concerning as conflict continues to limit the amount of land under cultivation.”

Guyaku, located in the Gombi Local Government Area of Adamawa State, is amongst the villages suffering from this humanitarian crisis. In the year 2013, the Guyaku village was attacked by insurgents. This led to the displacement of members of the community. In this situation, many have lost their lives, other their properties, leaving many women and children exposed to security threats and without any means of subsistence.

UNV and UNDP work together to provide income-generating activities for displaced people in North-East Nigeria

Massive displacements of people continue to take place with the intensified conflict in North-East Nigeria. A report by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) of June 2018 underscores the need for action to support the internally displaced, especially women. The report emphasizes that 5,500,000 people are in need of assistance regarding early recovery and livelihood issues.

UNV and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are on the ground since early 2018, with funding support from the European Union Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO), to assist the communities affected by the humanitarian crisis. The Sengere community, located in the Adamawa State is one of them.

Ndachem Abubakar is one of the UN Community Volunteers who are deployed in 10 communities across crisis-affected North-East Nigeria, with a focus on Borno, Adamawa and Yobe States. 
Jumpstarting economic recovery in the community of Sengere.