Water is life

My name is Vivianne Kiriinya. I am a UN Volunteer Communications Specialist with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) since May 2024. I am based in my home country, Kenya and I serve with the Early Warning and Assessment Division under the World Water Quality Alliance (WWQA). These are some of my reflections.

We need water to survive.

Just as much as we need air, sunlight and food. 

As a Communications Specialist, my main task is to ensure that the work of WWQA is given the attention it deserves. In addition, I raise awareness of clean drinking water in communities. 

How do I do that?

Through creative outreach — success stories, social media, the corporate website, and more.

Water is a basic human right and everyone needs to be part of the conversation.

Real time learning through volunteering

Magdeline M. Sekhu and Georgina Edwards are UN Volunteers in South Africa. They reflect on volunteering and how it brings positive change to the United Nations system in the country. This is their story.


Georgina Edwards, UN Volunteer Innovation Analyst with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in South Africa

After finishing my graduate degree, I interned with UN-Habitat and that set the stage for my UN career. 

Transitioning to a UN Volunteer assignment in 2021 was a turning point, allowing me to step into my dream role as an Innovation Analyst with UNFPA.

Reducing the environmental footprint

Wanjiku Eva Muthoni and Kebbeh W. Baysah are UN Volunteers with the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO). Championing the cause of reducing the environmental footprint of MONUSCO, both Wanjiku and Kebbeh serve with the Environmental Protection Unit.

With land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience at the core — MONUSCO's Environmental Protection Unit includes cleaning sites and handing them over to landowners — tasks that Wanjiku and Kebbeh are responsible for in their volunteer assignments. 

Say no to child marriage in India

Poonam Kashyap is a UN Volunteer with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) in India. She is based in Maharashtra, where she uses communication channels like radio broadcasts, social media, and open dialogues to educate people on the harmful practice of child marriage.

A retired Indian Army Officer with over a decade of military service, Poonam joined UNICEF in 2022 as a Child Protection Officer. She spreads the word about the negative impact of child marriage on everyone — the child plus society at large. 

Ensuring women's voices are heard

Leyla Novruzlu is a UN Volunteer with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). She focuses on Sustainable Development Goal 5 calling for gender equality under the second phase of Women's Economic Empowerment in the South Caucasus programme in Azerbaijan.


Leyla started her volunteering journey with UNDP as a Project Clerk.

She provides administrative support, maintains project documents, and assists communication across many levels. "I am keen to contribute to a culture of inclusivity within the team and ensure that women's voices are heard and valued at every stage of the project." Leyla shares.

Think and then act for the environment

I am Bilel Dhouib, UN Volunteer Environmental Education Officer with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). The mission's mandate is to protect civilians and build durable peace. I am part of a creative team making sure our work is eco-friendly.

I serve with the Environment and Occupational Safety and Health Unit.

Every newcomer to UNMISS, whether civilian, military, or police, goes through environmental induction training. My responsibility is to make sure they understand how important it is to consider the environment in everything they do.

We look at aspects such as wastewater management, solid waste management, and energy use.

Peacekeeping in hard-to-reach Abyei

Prince Jacob from India, Caroline Barozi from Uganda, and Tsegaye Hailemeskel from Ethiopia are UN Volunteers with the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA). 

Prince Jacob is a UN Volunteer Nurse. He administers vaccinations, delivers nursing care, facilitates prompt emergency responses, and ensures medical support for UNISFA's field operations.

Nursing in the peacekeeping context — Prince's service directly impacts the health and welfare of all personnel including international peacekeepers and local staff engaged in the mission's endeavours.

Abyei is situated between Sudan and South Sudan.

Online Volunteers compile data for digital governance

Belenky Lorena from Argentina and Won Fy Lee from Korea were among the 250 Online Volunteers from 80 countries who supported the development of the 2024 United Nations E-Government Survey conducted by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA). 

The United Nations E-Government Survey is a development tool that examines countries’ strengths, challenges and opportunities, and informs policies and strategies. 

From June to September 2023, each Online Volunteer collected data through online assessments of national and city-level public sector portals, including associated official websites of 193 United Nations Member States.

Protection Officer in South Sudan Impacts Lives

Leonsious Ranjitraj is a UN Volunteer Women Protection Officer with the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). He reflects on his volunteering experience.  


This is my first experience serving with UN peacekeeping operations. 

My day-to-day tasks include documenting, reviewing and analyzing cases of conflict-related sexual violence. This exercise helps identify trends and patterns to inform prevention and response interventions.

All hands on deck for a sustainable Zambia

My journey as a UN Volunteer began in August 2023. I had just completed an incredible learning experience with the African Young Women Leaders Fellowship Programme, a partnership of the African Union Commission and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). As I contemplated my next steps, the call to volunteer came loud and clear. 

I am an international UN Volunteer Communications Specialist from Ghana. My role with UNDP in Zambia involves connecting with people throughout the country to document stories of strife and triumph.

What I value most in my work is storytelling and bringing to the fore voices of the ones not heard.