Cyclone Mocha one year on

Bhone Myint Aung joined the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Myanmar’s Rakhine Field Office as a national UN Volunteer Project Associate in June 2020. When Cyclone Mocha made landfall in Rakhine in May 2023, Bhone remained at his duty station, in Rakhine’s capital Sittwe, along with his community, and chose not to relocate to other townships. 


Bhone's family was among some 1.9 million people affected by Cyclone Mocha. His house was destroyed. But he stood at the fore supporting recovery efforts as part of UNDP’s rapid response and early recovery initiative.

Making waves for marine conservation in Jordan

Eight UN Community Volunteers serve with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) at the Aqaba Marine Reserve in Jordan. Through their volunteer assignments, they raise awareness of conserving marine resources including cleaner beach fronts, and advance efforts on Sustainable Development Goal 14 – Life below water.

UN Volunteers are Marine Reserve Rangers at the Aqaba Marine Reserve in the port city of Aqaba in Jordan. As part of the project's activities, they patrol the reserve’s beaches, and complement their service by offering educational programmes and engaging in research initiatives. 

Serving with the Awareness and Public Relations Department, Bdour Abu-Bader supports educational initiatives for the local community ranging from beach clean-up campaigns to maintaining social media platforms. She also supports the operational responsibilities at the reserve.