During the first UNV Partnerships Forum that took place in Bonn, on September 30th and October 1st 2014, eight UN Volunteers were given the floor to share their experience as UN Volunteer. In this video, Ioseba Amatriain Losa, Spanish fully funded UN Youth Volunteer tells about his experience in Colombia.
10 October 2014
During the first UNV Partnerships Forum that took place in Bonn, on September 30th and October 1st 2014, eight UN Volunteers were given the floor to share their experience as UN Volunteer. In this video, UN Online Volunteer Kirthi JAYAKUMAR, tells about her commitment and how she started volunteering online.
10 October 2014
During the first UNV Partnerships Forum that took place in Bonn, on September 30th and October 1st 2014, eight UN Volunteers were given the floor to share their experience as UN Volunteer. In this video, National UN Volunteer Samar Wahba from Egypt tells about her volunteering in children education.
10 October 2014
During the first UNV Partnerships Forum that took place in Bonn, on September 30th and October 1st 2014, eight UN Volunteers were given the floor to share their experience as UN Volunteer. In this video, Moses Zangar, International UN Volunteer from Liberia is sharing his stories as a volunteer in Zambia.
10 October 2014
During the first UNV Partnerships Forum that took place in Bonn, on September 30th and October 1st 2014, eight UN Volunteers were given the floor to share their experience as UN Volunteer. In this video, Wei Li, National UN Volunteer from China, tells about her volunteering in raising awareness on environment issues.
10 October 2014
During the first UNV Partnerships Forum that took place in Bonn, on September 30th and October 1st 2014, eight UN Volunteers were given the floor to share their experience as UN Volunteer. In this video, International UN Volunteer Bip Nandi, tells about his challenges and experience as surgeon in Malawi.
10 October 2014
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
Eight UN Volunteers were invited to take the floor at the first UNV Partnerships Forum that took place in Bonn on September 30th and October 1st, and presented their inspirational work in the field.
10 October 2014
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
Eight UN Volunteers were invited to take the floor at the first UNV Partnerships Forum that took place in Bonn on September 30th and October 1st, and presented their inspirational work in the field.
10 October 2014
For most of the attendees, including UNV staff present, the highlight of the UNV Partnerships Forum 2014 was the session on the first day called Inspiration in Action – Blue Room Talks.  Eight UN Volunteers from across the globe took center stage to share their stories and provide inspiring insight into their assignments, and the difference they are making within communities every day.
09 October 2014