Volunteerism building blocks for peace: Burundi and Sudan

Volunteerism as building blocks for peacebuilding, how does that work? For starters, volunteerism generates forms of social capital that are indispensable to peacebuilding and plays an important role in strengthening the development of national civilian capacities to address peacebuilding issues.

Shifting perspectives for peace: Citizen inclusion in Asia and the Pacific

Shifting perspectives for peace: Citizen inclusion in Asia and the Pacific

Changing the world online: onlinevolunteering.org

There are no costs involved. Online volunteers cooperate across the world, without ever leaving their own homes. Online volunteers not only provide valuable skills and expertise. Coming from various backgrounds and cultures, they also bring new ideas and fresh perspectives. And they can help develop capacity in the organizations they work with, training staff, teaching new skills or providing guidance and advice.

Anyone can be an online volunteer via the UNV Online Volunteering service. All they need is a computer, an Internet connection and skills to offer. Online volunteers are professionals, students, homemakers, retirees, people with disabilities and expatriates from across the globe. They all have one thing in common – a commitment to making a real difference to peace and development.

UNV Communications Strategy

The UNV Communications’ mission is to enhance communication about the value of volunteerism in peace and development and the importance on the contributions that UNV and UN Volunteers make to the impact on the results of the United Nations.

The UNV Communications’ mission is to enhance communication about the value of volunteerism in peace and development and the importance on the contributions that UNV and UN Volunteers make to the impact on the results of the United Nations.

The purpose of this new Communications Strategy is to guide communications on volunteerism for peace and development and safe-guard the organizational reputation of UNV programme; while adding value in the achievement of the main outcomes and results area of the UNV Strategic Framework 2014-2017.

UNV Advocacy Strategy

UNV defines advocacy for volunteerism as a deliberate effort, based on evidence, aimed at persuading decision-makers to adopt policies and take actions that promote people’s participation in local and international development through volunteerism.

UNV defines advocacy for volunteerism as a deliberate effort, based on evidence, aimed at persuading decision-makers to adopt policies and take actions that promote people’s participation in local and international development through volunteerism.

UN Volunteer professional profiles: international UN Volunteers

This professional profile shows the minimum requirements to serve as an international UN Volunteer, and highlights potential assignments as well as volunteer entitlements.

International UN Volunteers come from all walks of life. In the health sector UNV’s partners have requested volunteers knowledgeable and experienced as general medical practitioners, medical specialists and doctors specialized in public health; staff counselors and psychologists; midwives and nurses, dentists, pharmacists and laboratory technicians.

UN Volunteer professional profiles: Basic Social Services

This professional profile shows the minimum requirements to serve as an international UN Volunteer in the area of basic social services, and highlights potential assignments as well as volunteer entitlements.

In the area of basic social services, UNV’s partners have requested volunteers knowledgeable and experienced in: primary health care, HIV/AIDS prevention, vulnerability and rights, women’s empowerment, democratic governance, population policy and administrative management, reproductive health, gender equity, safe motherhood, gender-based violence, national planning, child protection, universal primary education, community health workers, vocational training specialists and inclusive participation of citizens in local development cycles.

UN Volunteer professional profiles: Medical/Health services

This professional profile shows the minimum requirements to serve as an international UN Volunteer in medical and/or health services, and highlights potential assignments as well as volunteer entitlements.

UNV has worked on many development projects and peace contexts with qualified medical doctors and other health-related professionals. These skilled professionals in medical and health services are often deployed to many locations throughout a country and provide immediate medical care to the local population and UN staff.

Partner and Member State Interventions on UNV at Executive Board 2014

Positive feedback about UNV and its contributions to peace and development contributed in turn to UNV's successful engagement with the UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Executive Board at its Annual Session 2014, held from 23-27 June in Geneva, Switzerland.  Executive Board Member States of Brazil, China, Germany (endorsed by Ireland), Japan, Mexico, Nepal, Niger, the Russian Federation and Tanzania delivered statements during the session.