Partner and Member State Interventions on UNV at Executive Board 2014

Positive feedback about UNV and its contributions to peace and development contributed in turn to UNV's successful engagement with the UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS Executive Board at its Annual Session 2014, held from 23-27 June in Geneva, Switzerland.  Executive Board Member States of Brazil, China, Germany (endorsed by Ireland), Japan, Mexico, Nepal, Niger, the Russian Federation and Tanzania delivered statements during the session. 

Positive reception for UNV report to UNDP Executive Board 2014

The Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) Annual Session 2014 took place from 23-27 June in Geneva, Switzerland. This formal interaction of the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme with its Executive Board occurs once every two years.

Positive reception for UNV report to UNDP Executive Board 2014

The Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) Annual Session 2014 took place from 23-27 June in Geneva, Switzerland. This formal interaction of the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme with its Executive Board occurs once every two years.

UN Volunteer professional profiles: Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding

This professional profile shows the minimum requirements to serve as an international UN Volunteer in peacekeeping and peacebuilding, and highlights potential assignments as well as volunteer entitlements.

Volunteerism in peacekeeping and peacebuilding contributes to interventions in post-conflict environments addressing short-term, early recovery emergency needs in addition to building local and national capacities and understanding between states and its citizens to rebuild mutual trust.

UN Volunteer professional profiles: Community Resilience for Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction

This professional profile shows the minimum requirements to serve as an international UN Volunteer in community resilience for climate change and disaster risk reduction, and highlights potential assignments as well as volunteer entitlements.

In the priority area of community resilience for climate change and disaster risk reduction, the critical involvement of volunteers has been in disaster risk management, particularly by strengthening the capacity of communities to respond to and prevent disasters.

UN Volunteer professional profiles: Humanitarian Assistance and Emergency Relief

This professional profile shows the minimum requirements to serve as an international UN Volunteer in the area of humanitarian assistance and emergency relief, and highlights potential assignments as well as volunteer entitlements.

Supporting the operations of various UN agencies in humanitarian assistance and emergency relief, UN Volunteers engage in a wide range of assignments with the ultimate aim to save and protect the lives of people such as refugees and internally displaced persons, to alleviate suffering and to maintain human dignity.

UN Volunteer professional profiles: National UN Volunteers

This professional profile shows the minimum requirements to serve as a national UN Volunteer, and highlights potential assignments as well as volunteer entitlements.

National UN Volunteers come from all walks of life. In the health sector UNV’s partners have requested volunteers knowledgeable and experienced as general medical practitioners, medical specialists and doctors specialized in public health; staff counselors and psychologists; midwives and nurses, dentists, pharmacists and laboratory technicians.

Engaging with UNV: How to register in the UNV candidate pool

This publication synthesizes the process a potential volunteer should complete in order to register with UNV.

This publication synthesizes the process a potential volunteer should complete in order to register with UNV.  It highlights a two-step process that covers understanding essential information for potential UN Volunteers and submitting basic information to create an account in the UNV candidate pool, then subsequently regularly tracking and updating, ‘My Profile’ – a website that allows potential candidates to access their account.

Engaging with UNV: UN Volunteers as a rapid response solution to global health emergencies

UN Volunteers are skilled and have the expertise to help alleviate the plight of people in desperate situations.

UN Volunteers are skilled and have the expertise to help alleviate the plight of people in desperate situations.  Through their commitment, local knowledge and neutral status, they are able to build bridges between stakeholders in affected communities, by promoting mutual trust, enhancing ownership and building capacity.

Engaging with UNV: Online Volunteering for the private sector

Online Volunteering enables UN Volunteers, through the Internet, to help address peace and development challenges and strengthen the impact of organizations.

Online Volunteering enables UN Volunteers, through the Internet, to help address peace and development challenges and strengthen the impact of organizations. In addition, online volunteering offers the private sector a contemporary and modern tool to demonstrate corporate social responsibility, allowing employees to connect with a social cause from wherever they are and to contribute to tackling global challenges while pursuing a demanding career.