UNV and Switzerland: Promoting volunteering for peace and development

Switzerland was one of the first partners to join the UNV Internship programme, providing young Swiss nationals with the opportunity to volunteer with UN partners around the world. This publication highlights the long-standing partnership between UNV and Switzerland, the contribution of Swiss UN Volunteers, as well as some key data.

Switzerland is one of the key partners of the United Nations Volunteers programme, and one of its top donors.  Since 2001, UNV and Switzerland have focusing through their partnership on the placement of

UNV and the Republic of Korea: Promoting volunteering for peace and development

This publication highlights the long-standing partnership between UNV and the Republic of Korea, the contribution of Korean UN Volunteers, as well as some key data.

UNV partners at governmental and non-governmental level with the Republic of Korea to advance peace and development. UNV promotes university-level volunteering in partnership with leading universities in Europe, and the successful Online Volunteering service that opens up possibilities for young people to volunteer off-site through the internet. This publication highlights the long-standing partnership between UNV and the Republic of Korea, the contribution of Korean UN Volunteers, as well as some key data.

UNV SF 2014-2017: National capacity development through volunteer schemes

The UNV Strategic Framework 2014-2017 focuses on UNV programmatic effort in the key area of national capacity development through volunteer schemes. UN Volunteers facilitate efforts between governments, civil society, the private sector and partner United Nations entities.

The UNV Strategic Framework 2014-2017 focuses on UNV programmatic effort in the key area of national capacity development through volunteer schemes. UN Volunteers facilitate efforts between governments, civil society, the private sector and partner United Nations entities. Fostering strong partnerships, generating complementary skills, resources and expertise, UN Volunteers increase the development impact and add to sustainability.

UNV Strategic Framework 2014-2017: Innovation and knowledge

Through its UNV Strategic Framework 2014-2017, UNV supports efforts to advance innovation and knowledge by focusing on building a credible body of knowledge informed by research, innovation and evidence in order to advocate and enhance the integration of volunteerism into peace and development programming.

Through its UNV Strategic Framework 2014-2017, UNV supports efforts to advance innovation and knowledge by focusing on building a credible body of knowledge informed by research, innovation and evidence in order to advocate and enhance the integration of volunteerism into peace and development programming. UN Volunteers support partnerships especially in terms of engagement with civil society at all levels, creativity in addressing local challenges and facilitate innovative forms of volunteering to increase the depth and breadth of civic engagement.

UNV in action: Working with returnees, refugees and internally displaced persons

For over three decades, UN Volunteers from around the world have provided critical support in safeguarding the rights and well-being of refugees, stateless people, returnees and internally displaced persons.

Whether assisting with the protection, registration or resettlement of displaced people, or helping in the daily management of refugee camps, or providing livelihood training, tools and opportunities for the refugee community - for over three decades, UN Volunteers from around the world have provided critical support in safeguarding the rights and well-being of refugees, stateless people, returnees and internally displaced persons.

UNV in action: Peace building

Peace building relies on the concept of voluntary action and active civic engagement. UN Volunteers can be the ideal interlocutor to deliver constructive messages about participatory processes, build trust and promote dialogue.

Peace building relies on the concept of voluntary action and active civic engagement. UN Volunteers can be the ideal interlocutor to deliver constructive messages about participatory processes, build trust and promote dialogue.

In addition, many often perceive UN Volunteers as politically and socially impartial and non-threatening, making them effective actors among different stakeholders in the peace building processes, especially as they come from the communities that the UN supports.

UNV in action: Natural resource management and community-based approaches to climate change

UNV supports initiatives involving community-based organizations and local volunteerism that can play a decisive role in improving the lives of the poor, while simultaneously benefiting the environment.

UNV supports initiatives involving community-based organizations and local volunteerism that can play a decisive role in improving the lives of the poor, while simultaneously benefiting the environment.

Achieving the goal of environmental sustainability requires the ingenuity, solidarity, and creativity of many millions of ordinary people, particularly through volunteering.

UNV in action: In response to the HIV epidemic

The contribution of volunteerism in response to the HIV epidemic has been critical in reaching out to vulnerable groups, strengthening community support around people living with HIV and in capacity building and advocacy efforts.

The contribution of volunteerism in response to the HIV epidemic has been critical in reaching out to vulnerable groups, strengthening community support around people living with HIV and in capacity building and advocacy efforts.

As most primary health care takes place at the community and household levels, a valuable example of volunteer activity has been the development of community-based grass-roots organizations of volunteers involved in caring for People Living with HIV and in educating the public about HIV prevention.

UNV in action: Disaster response

In disaster response, the role and contribution of volunteerism is well recognized. In fact, when a disaster happens, volunteers are normally the first to act.

In disaster response, the role and contribution of volunteerism is well recognized. In fact, when a disaster happens, volunteers are normally the first to act.

The impact of volunteers in times of crisis can be tremendous; as the extent of damage – in terms of economic and human loss – is greatly influenced by the initial response.

UNV has significant experience in disaster prevention and risk reduction.

UN Volunteers support peacekeeping operations in Haiti

UN Volunteers support peacekeeping operations and the multiple activities of the blue helmets. At the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) their work is evident through activities that strengthen the Haitian National Police (HNP) and those that work directly supporting the troops.

UN Volunteers support peacekeeping operations and the multiple activities of the blue helmets. At the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) their work is evident through activities that strengthen the Haitian National Police (HNP) and those that work directly supporting the troops. 

UN Volunteers with MINUSTAH represent a very particular example in peacekeeping: they work directly with the United Nations Police (UNPOL), a non-civilian component, to reinforce and reform the HNP.