Conditions of Service for UN Volunteers and Policies
- Unified Conditions of Service (EN)
- Unified Conditions of Service (FR)
- Unified Conditions of Service (ES)
- Roles and Responsibilities for Host Entities (EN)
Summary Conditions of Service and other Infographics
- Overview of UNV learning programmes for UN Volunteers
- Protection and Prevention – Duty of Care for UN Volunteers
- UN Volunteers Security Policy
Insurance Policies
- CIGNA Medical, Life, Dismemberment and Malicious Act coverage for National UN Volunteers
- Life and dismemberment insurance flyer for National UN Volunteers (EN, FR, RU, ES)
- CIGNA Post service coverage for additional six months (EN)
Information on Online Volunteering
Forms and Templates
During Recruitment and Selection
- MS3 Medical Form
- Designation, Change or Revocation of Beneficiary
- Infographic: How to complete your UN mandatory courses
- Travel lumpsum request form (National UN Volunteers only)
- Sample UN Volunteer Contract (EN, FR, ES)
During Assignment
- Discharge of Liability for Volunteers turning 70 form
- Learning and development planning for UN Volunteers
- Infographic: How to apply for UNV online learning programmes
At the End of Assignment
- Final Clearance Checklist (for Resettlement Allowance)
- Volunteer Performance Assessment (VPA) template - English
- Volunteer Performance Assessment (VPA) template - Spanish
- Volunteer Performance Assessment (VPA) template - French
- Volunteer Performance Assessment VPA guidelines candidate
- UN Volunteers Reporting Application
UVP on-screen guides
- Candidate how to register and complete a profile: Web version
- Candidate how to complete profile update task when selected for an assignment: Web version
- Candidate how to update personal information: Web version
- UN Volunteer how to complete and upload a beneficiary form: Web version
- UN Volunteer how to review and accept the offer: Web version
- UN Volunteer how to enter banking information: Web version
- Candidate how to complete and upload a security clearance: Web version
- UN Volunteer how to submit a payment request: Web version
Standard Operating Procedures